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بومة جنزير ترس |
توفر شركة عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي بومة جنزير الترس و هي معدة يدوية لربط و تحزيم الأشياء مع بعضها تستخدم مع الجنزير الصلب يتميز هذا النوع من بومة الجنزير بوجود ترس يتم تحريك الذراع ليتم التحزيم مطابقة للمواصفات العالمية لتوفر معايير الأمان و السلامة
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Ratchet Chain Binder
Heavy duty ratchet chain binders are designed to tighten chain tie downs over a load. The forged steel handle offers maximum leverage, while the cam and pawl design allows for easier and faster securement. All our Ratchet Chain Binder have size, break strength, and working load limit information on the handle. The ratchet chain binder is designed for use with Grade 43 & 80 Transport Chain.
Heavy duty ratchet chain binders are designed to tighten chain tie downs over a load. The forged steel handle offers maximum leverage, while the cam and pawl design allows for easier and faster securement. All our Ratchet Chain Binder have size, break strength, and working load limit information on the handle. The ratchet chain binder is designed for use with Grade 43 & 80 Transport Chain.
Ratchet Binders
chain binder A ratchet binder uses two types of simple machines and has two tension hooks on each end and handle. The handle again serves as a lever plus there is the screw thread. Having both simple machines can multiply the force manually applied to the tie down assembly.
When using a ratchet binder, the lever and screw work together and increase the force manually applied to the tie-down assembly. The result is that it takes much less pulling force on the handle to apply tension than you would need with a lever binder.
chain binder A ratchet binder uses two types of simple machines and has two tension hooks on each end and handle. The handle again serves as a lever plus there is the screw thread. Having both simple machines can multiply the force manually applied to the tie down assembly.
When using a ratchet binder, the lever and screw work together and increase the force manually applied to the tie-down assembly. The result is that it takes much less pulling force on the handle to apply tension than you would need with a lever binder.
All traditional chain load binders are constructed of drop forged steel for strength and durability and were designed to be used with transport chain. They are available in traditional Lever and Ratcheting models, and are finished in a red paint. Accepts chain from Grade 43. Failure to follow all instructions may result in serious personal injury, property damage and loss of life. Use extreme caution when tensioning load binders to ensure chain links are seated securely in the hook before release tension on the load binder.
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عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي ( محمد حبشي الزكي ) - رقم 6 شارع الحاتمي - بالقرب من قسم شرطة مينا البصل - الأسكندرية - مصر
الموبايل : 01222173114 - 01154001702 - 01154001701 - 00201154001700
Web Site : Www.ElzekkiWire.Com |Email : Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com
عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي ( محمد حبشي الزكي ) - رقم 6 شارع الحاتمي - بالقرب من قسم شرطة مينا البصل - الأسكندرية - مصر
الموبايل : 01222173114 - 01154001702 - 01154001701 - 00201154001700
Web Site : Www.ElzekkiWire.Com |Email : Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com
ELZEKKIWIRE For Trade Steel Wire Rope And Lifting Equipment's.
Steel Wire Rope - Steel Wire Rope Sling - Steel Wire Rope Hydraulic Pressing Machine - Wire Rope Hoist - Aluminum Ferrules - Stainless Steel Rigging - Load & Lifting Chain - Flat Webbing Slings - Steel Chain Sling - Chain Block - Lever Hoist Lifting Clamps - Ratchet Straps - Cargo Lashing - Snatch Blocks - Shackles - Hooks - Ropes.
For More Information You Can Contact Us By Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com Or Call Us At +201154001700 - +201222173114
Steel Wire Rope - Steel Wire Rope Sling - Steel Wire Rope Hydraulic Pressing Machine - Wire Rope Hoist - Aluminum Ferrules - Stainless Steel Rigging - Load & Lifting Chain - Flat Webbing Slings - Steel Chain Sling - Chain Block - Lever Hoist Lifting Clamps - Ratchet Straps - Cargo Lashing - Snatch Blocks - Shackles - Hooks - Ropes.
For More Information You Can Contact Us By Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com Or Call Us At +201154001700 - +201222173114